Study Skills Support

Study Skills Support

Many learners underachieve because they do not understand how to study effectively or because they have lost their self-confidence. Whilst learning study skills in isolation can be beneficial, combining study skills with therapeutic techniques designed to build self-confidence and self-efficacy is more effective.

Moreover, my experience indicates that most learners will not consolidate regularly without parent supervision. For this reason I only work with families so that family needs are met. It is essential that one parent sits in on the sessions as parent supervision is required to ensure that learners apply the skills regularly at home. Contrary to popular belief, adolescents are not ready to self-manage.

Current neurological research indicates that the pre-frontal cortex is only fully developed by the mid 20’s. Indeed, during early adolescence, particularly Grades 8 and 9, most adolescents are not ready to self-manage their studies and require daily or weekly supervision by parents in order to ensure academic success in later grades. I work with the learners and parents to formulate a home programme that enables parents to supervise the homework process and ensure that the necessary consolidation is completed. I place a strong emphasis on minimising parent-child conflict and inculcating a good working relationship around academics.